// First, set up the standard configurations on an installed AutoCAD. Then export
the configurations with this script:
/Applications/Autodesk/AutoCAD\ 2023/AutoCAD\
-e -d ~/Documents/config.tar
//Copy the config.tar to client machines. Then import .dwt templates, plot styles,
shx fonts and hkcu.plist from the config.tar to AutoCAD on the client machines:
/Applications/Autodesk/AutoCAD\ 2023/AutoCAD\
-i template plot shx profile -s ~/Downloads/config.tar
// Check AdskLicensingInstHelper help for more usages:
/Applications/Autodesk/AutoCAD\ 2023/AutoCAD\
2023.app/Contents/Helpers/AdMigrator.app/Contents/MacOS/AdMigrator -h