Key features of Autodesk InfoWorks WS Pro

Discover the main functionalities of Autodesk InfoWorks WS Pro, which helps hydraulic modelers effectively plan, design, and operate water distribution systems.

Water network section with sensor data-model comparison graph, contour map, and long profile

Collaborative modeling

Multiple users can edit the same model simultaneously, with conflict resolution and version control

Integrate with GIS and Asset Analytics

Build digital twins with automatic updates by connecting to third-party data like geographic information system (GIS) and Info360

Streamlined model building

Infer missing network values from existing data to fill in data gaps with reasonable values

Allocate demands

Assign customer point and area-based (land use) demands to nodes in the network using various methods

Connect to telemetry

Use the connection to telemetry to perform demand area analysis, calibration, and leakage simulations

Extreme computational power

Share computing resources across teams with multi-core simulations to maximize hardware resources, or leverage the cloud

Generalized multi-run (GMR)

Run a simulation many times using cloud scalability, modifying one or two values each time

Comprehensive system analysis

Improve water systems, including fire flow, water quality, flushing, and pipe shutdown

Mimic operations

Realistically represent pump and valve controls and demands, and model elements (hydrants, meters) explicitly

Confirm system resilience

Find customers affected by an incident and show where parallel pipes can add resilience with criticality link analysis

Clearly displayed results

Color-coded contours and thematic maps of the network clearly show element properties and results

Flexible result queries

Use a built-in library of SQL (Structured Query Language) queries to review results and add as many queries as you need

Features of Autodesk InfoWorks WS Pro

Water modeling with InfoWorks WS Pro


Improved model skeletonization

The InfoWorks WS Pro Skeletonizer tool is now enhanced with several improvements to reliably reduce complexity while ensuring consistent and accurate hydraulic behavior. In several test models, the improved toolset reduced 90% of the network in a single repeatable round of reduction. (video: 54 sec.)


Asset management integration

Modelers can share simulated standard operating conditions for various scenarios with Info360. This can be influential in determining the LoF (Likelihood of Failure) for certain PVC pipes, among other workflows and benefits. (video: 51 sec.)


Reserved Runs in the Cloud

While working in collaborative cloud databases, runs can be flagged as reserved to enable testing of model changes with protected control of iterations. (video: 1:49 min.)


Model Diagnostics

Simulation diagnostic information for each run’s engine log file is now available in an easier format to review, sort, map, and query. The Diagnostic tables summarize snapshot stability, nodes with the greatest imbalance of flow, unstable or unreliable regulator valves, pump and reservoir operation information, and suppressed demands. (video: 1:07 min.)

Better demand area analysis results

The reporting for demand area analysis has improved to make the key results easily available. These results can be copied to network objects for mapping purposes through a right-click option from the demand area grid. (video: 7:39 min.)

Database cross-version compatibility

InfoWorks WS Pro supports different versions of the database—enabling backwards compatibility—by toggling on available features and off unsupported functionality. When changing the version, you get a warning message that includes the impact of updating a master database. (video: 2:05 min.)

Supply interruption reporting

InfoWorks WS Pro now reports on how many customers were affected by an incident such as a pipe break, and for how long. (video: 2:03 min.)

Scenario management

Analyze and compare as many alternatives as you need to represent in the model, with different demands, pump controls, tank sizes, and more. Scenario Manager provides a user-friendly approach to explore alternatives while maintaining data integrity. (video: 7:05 min.)


EPANET import

You can now import multiple EPANET models or files in one InfoWorks WS Pro model as scenarios. This update enables you to bring .inp files into InfoWorks WS Pro with ease, streamlining the transition process to InfoWorks WS Pro if you have data captured in other tools like WaterGEMS, InfoWater, Mike+, and EPANET.

Import and export of SQLs

By importing and exporting, users can now share the InfoWorks WS Pro subset of SQL between models and teams to select and update network objects using specified criteria.

Large data management

Import, track, audit, and interpret the large quantities of data associated with complex projects quickly and easily.

Tracing tools

Tracing tools (including Upstream/Downstream, Boundary, Connectivity, Proximity, and Isolation Trace) help you locate problems or anomalies in the network, identify isolated areas, and understand system layout.

Update demand patterns

from telemetry

As an essential part of the calibration process that precedes a simulation, InfoWorks WS Pro calculates a domestic demand profile within a demand management area (DMA). Automate this calculation to derive the patterns directly from observed telemetry data.

Demand area analysis

Demand area analysis interrogates live data to provide a time series of water usage, unmetered consumption, and water losses, including leakage.

Compare model elements

Compare elements and results in graphs, long section profiles, and annotations displayed on your network for a better understanding of the model.